
Showing posts from October, 2009

Manipulating evolution

With the birth of modern medicine and the development of pharmaceuticals that could deliver the required chemical for treatment of just about any ailment imaginable to the door of every house in the world, mankind embarked on a journey that would put a severe strain on the perfect balance that exist in nature.

Freak – The loss of fun

It was also around that time that fun lost its meaning. The people that paid attention to the news became aware that fun was something you had to earn, not something that you can have just any time of day or night. Fun was something that people with morals planned. There were specific times that you could have “fun”, decent times that would not disturb other hardworking citizens like yourself that would also like to have some fun sometime. Fun was restricted to weekends, and the rest of the time people who understand the value of labor and money would be working hard to earn their fun. Sunday was a day of rest and religion, and people of high moral value would set it aside. Sunday was serious business, and the men would be allowed to gather around the sacred texts to find the value to this meaningless life we lead. From the pulpit spread the word that people who did not repent for their sins, those that were secretly having fun behind the locked doors, even those would be doomed to...

Freak History

It was just after my birth that the first freak occurred. In 1964 the Hippy craze had exploded on the the world scene and across the globe hippies were celebrating their liberation from the Acid Era with Pop Music, the life style they had tripped about in those blissful days of acid haze. For many people, some of them who even tried to taste the ethereal delights that were all the craze, it was easy to nail Pop to the stake and denounce it as evil when the media outcry began against the hippies and their drugs and their crazy ideas of free love and peace.  But people all over the world were storming in droves to the altars of light and music that Pop loudly proclaimed, and it was easy for the people to join the parade and drown in the glitzy haze of its glittery beat. Even if only for a few hours, the clubs could provide for an escape from a world that had become much too bright and gay. Even if only for a little while, people could bask in the power of movement and sound, unit...

Having the best

There have only been a few times in my life that I remember as feeling the worst I have ever felt in my life, but at the same time having the best time of my life. This was one of those occasions, and for the people involved I would like to thank them for a truly memorable event. It also illustrates the fact that having the best time of my life has nothing to do with the way that I feel at the time. Not only does it sound unbelievable, it is, until you have experienced it for yourself. It is also a sterling example to the fact that live has a value that is measured beyond worth. Just as money can buy comfort but not love, the only measure that would reflect the worth of life is living it. And if you can live every moment as the best, then what more can one ask for. The trick in getting it is to ask for the best time, and not the best clothes or the best car or the best value you may think of. Nothing has more value than time, especially if it is the best! Having the best t...

The herd instinct and other myths

It is a modern day fact that society is the glue that holds our human existence together. It protects us, gives us purpose and rewards us for good service. It is then not surprising that social benevolence and standing become an important part of peoples lives. The things that happen to us and how we are viewed by the people that make up our society may gain a significance beyond our own. What many people fail to realize is that social benevolence may provide a platform for contact with others, but that it does not provide any assurance of connection. It is this need for connection that is the root of what psychologists and sociologists call our herd mentality. By connecting with others we share and we grow. But people compromise to be able to fit in. People cheat to belong. The result of this, is that even if we achieve contact we cannot connect because we are not truthful, or even honest with ourselves. And while we are lying to ourself we cannot be honest with others. While we...

Three realities

The first is where we act and react, where our thoughts are engaged in whatever we are busy with, and where those thought patterns dictate our actions in and reactions to the moment in which we find ourselves. It translates to a viewpoint that you are the master of your destiny, and relies on the presumption that you can achieve anything if you equip yourself with the right tools. Every moment is an opportunity to establish dominance and ensure survival. The next is where we wonder and ponder about the meaning of it all. Where we start to think of greater impact and consequence, and where we view the first world in constant review, trying to explain the first world in terms of communal value. Our actions do not only take into account our first world experience, but are calculated to achieve a wider consequence. In this paradigm we try to influence events towards a wider communal result, and it translates to an understanding that we are all connected, and that our actions have cons...

A better place

“It’s just a pity about the windows. I have found that you really need a second pair of lace curtains.” Since you have put up yours it has stopped your lounge from fading, and it has shaded the sun that heated your house to temperatures almost near your loss of sanity. Ever since you have put them up your house has become a home, and you can finally breathe and enjoy the grass under your feet. Every body must at least have a pair of curtains like these. Everybody deserves a pair of curtains like mine. The world will be a better place. “It all just looks more dressed up that way.”

The placebo effect

Isn’t it funny how some things seem to persist, notwithstanding the fact that there is nothing in this world that would give their existence any meaning. But then it should be nothing more than we expect, given that the human race stubbornly insist that reality is all that can exist. I guess it’s almost arrogant to think we find it necessary to only have what we can hold, than just be what we are. Splendid in our divine existence that we sometimes try so hard to deny, that we fail to realize that we are one withal. And in denying half of our existence we end up merely shells of who we have always been. And then there is the placebo effect, which proves beyond a doubt that what we get is what we expect. In a sense it’s almost typical of us to think that what we always have to give proof of what we have, as if we need to give testament to our joy and happiness, and want to prove to all and sundry our success. When all we need is leave what be, and if we’re lucky see h...

The nature of reality

Reality is a concept that many people have difficulty in grasping. If we look at current research on how the mind works is clear that each of us is uniquely unto our own, and to make sure that we do not see eye to eye on anything we experience we have emotion to change our view. The more we yearn for some commonality between the reality of other people and our self, the more we fail the see the harmony that is, if we only accept the journey as our own. For some, the thing that universally connect everyone is money, and others have exchanged the yearn to belong in unity with power, but that does not change the fact that harmony is always there as a choice. And in that choice we find the bond that bind us all, the thing that define reality as an experience that is common to us all. The harmony that is, but will only be if it is our will. Reality is therefore not a noun like most people think. It is a verb that you find in the action of exercising your right of free choice. In maki...

Even Tibetan monks can be wrong

I just saw a program that showed the preparation of a Tibetan Monastery for the visit of a high ranking monk. The monk responsible for the possession that was to accompany his arrival was in a foul mood because there were not enough junior monastic's to form the correct configuration for the procession. By failing to accept the given, even though his desire was not met, he failed to see what he needed. What the monk needed was to see that the visit of the master monastic would be better served by a different procession. One that breaks away from the old ways and is in harmony with the reality of the moment. By failing to accept the given he had lost the opportunity to pass on the knowledge about eternal harmony, and how we should all allow ourselves to listen to it every once in a while. By failing to accept the given he missed the opportunity to show the junior monastic’s how the journey is more important than the destination. The festival that everybody was expecting, and...

“The Secret” and the truth

In recent years “The Secret” has done much to practically show how the basic principles of the universe can be applied in our daily lives to provide for what we want and need. It still isn’t quite what is promised to those of faith in Christ the Lord, but it comes pretty close. At the time it meant that there were still some secrets untold, as that would be the only way my own personal philosophy of One God could be justified. Along with the universal principle of balance, my resolute faith in One God has helped me see the error of my way countless times before, and I have come to depend on it in many ways. One of which is finding truth. The more I know as true, the easier it becomes to feel where truth is missing. In many such cases it is merely absent, but where half a truth is presented as the whole I know there is something hidden. Experience has showed me that it is in my interest, in the interest of my own journey that I follow the clue to see the truth unfold. While my fir...