Freak – The loss of fun

It was also around that time that fun lost its meaning. The people that paid attention to the news became aware that fun was something you had to earn, not something that you can have just any time of day or night. Fun was something that people with morals planned. There were specific times that you could have “fun”, decent times that would not disturb other hardworking citizens like yourself that would also like to have some fun sometime.

Fun was restricted to weekends, and the rest of the time people who understand the value of labor and money would be working hard to earn their fun. Sunday was a day of rest and religion, and people of high moral value would set it aside. Sunday was serious business, and the men would be allowed to gather around the sacred texts to find the value to this meaningless life we lead.

From the pulpit spread the word that people who did not repent for their sins, those that were secretly having fun behind the locked doors, even those would be doomed to the eternity of hell. They made it clear that hell was no funny business at all! Would you like to spend an eternity in the burning fire they told?

And thus it became that gratification became more important than fun, with fun being restricted to just one day, for those who still had the energy to take it.


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