Having the best


There have only been a few times in my life that I remember as feeling the worst I have ever felt in my life, but at the same time having the best time of my life.

This was one of those occasions, and for the people involved I would like to thank them for a truly memorable event.

It also illustrates the fact that having the best time of my life has nothing to do with the way that I feel at the time. Not only does it sound unbelievable, it is, until you have experienced it for yourself.

It is also a sterling example to the fact that live has a value that is measured beyond worth. Just as money can buy comfort but not love, the only measure that would reflect the worth of life is living it. And if you can live every moment as the best, then what more can one ask for.

The trick in getting it is to ask for the best time, and not the best clothes or the best car or the best value you may think of. Nothing has more value than time, especially if it is the best!

Having the best time of your life is yours if you choose it, and it is independent of what actually may happen at the time, what you have at the time, or how you feel at the time. The only thing it depends on is you living it.

To live the best time of my life is the action that follow my choice, and the rest they say is history.


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