i am

Sometimes we need to be reminded about reality, but every once in a while you may find that reality reminds us all by itself.

The experience typically starts off with one or the other seemingly insignificant experience that remind you in vivid detail of something you never thought you'd remember. Which in turn spark another, and another and before you know what has happened the innocent reminder you thought forgotten has ignited a dozen or more undeniable previous experiences your mind had edited from memory due to cognitive dissonance.

The first time it happened it blew my mind, and with it much of my carefully crafted sense of reality and most of my meager existence, exploding with such a devastating force that it shook the foundation of all I believe, and cast a shadow of doubt on everything that happened since then.

When the the bedrock of your existence start crumbling in the face of revelation I find there is precious little time for reason, and it pays to have some kind of knowledge or understanding to inform  what you decide to do next. After my first revelation all I could do was sit in the midst of my own destruction and tremble at the thought of what had occurred.

I suppose it's self evident that it's tricky to fabricate a semblance of self after it blows up in front of your face, but after the second and third time it happens my collective evidence concur that our world is entirely self made, that existence is nothing less than what we believe, and our reality is nothing more than we dare to expect.

If you carefully consider all the options with a brave heart and an open mind you should come to the same conclusion as I, that the practice of intention is by far the best choice you can make to establish a sense of reality. It's a much better choice than disbelief, and once you get the hang of it is one of the safest and easiest means to navigate safely through just about all of the challenging revelations to come.

Intention surpasses perception, reality and belief as one of the best strategies to use, independent of anything else that we do, whatever we choose, and is one of the least traumatic ways to encourage the growth and discovery we need to break free from the shackles of assumption to live and the best way to conceive of a reality that only exist in your mind.

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