Three realities

The first is where we act and react, where our thoughts are engaged in whatever we are busy with, and where those thought patterns dictate our actions in and reactions to the moment in which we find ourselves. It translates to a viewpoint that you are the master of your destiny, and relies on the presumption that you can achieve anything if you equip yourself with the right tools. Every moment is an opportunity to establish dominance and ensure survival.

The next is where we wonder and ponder about the meaning of it all. Where we start to think of greater impact and consequence, and where we view the first world in constant review, trying to explain the first world in terms of communal value. Our actions do not only take into account our first world experience, but are calculated to achieve a wider consequence. In this paradigm we try to influence events towards a wider communal result, and it translates to an understanding that we are all connected, and that our actions have consequences beyond our intent or understanding.

The third worldview is in many ways the opposite of the first. In this frame of mind the actions, intention and impact loses their value to a greater consciousness, and concepts like faith, hope and trust in a higher power, or greater design become the principles that guide our actions. It demands an inherent acknowledgment of the spirit and the oneness of everything in the universe. Destiny translates to divine intent, and the value of our journey finds meaning in the moment. Not what this moment may mean or what this moment may lead to, but what this moment holds right now.

Where do you spend most of your time?


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