The golden rule
Musica universalis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If we take a step back to admire all the genius and wonder of discoveries that changed our heart and mind, if we look at each in kind we find a common thread run through them all. And thus we find the golden rule that binds it all divine...

The Greek mathematician and astronomer Pythagoras is frequently credited with originating the concept, which stemmed from his semi-mystical, semi-mathematical philosophy and its associated system of numerology of Pythagoreanism. According to Johannes Kepler, the connection between geometry (and sacred geometry), cosmology, astrology, harmonics, and music is through musica universalisI recently lauded a contemporary the discovery of analytical geometry, and in doing so he changed the course of destiny. It is a repeating theme throughout the history of mankind, and it happens every time our collective mind breach the Rubicon of space and time by the will of mental endeavor or thrill of discovery.
If we take a step back to admire all the genius and wonder of discoveries that changed our heart and mind, if we look at each in kind we find a common thread run through them all. And thus we find the golden rule that binds it all divine...
