The placebo effect

Isn’t it funny how some things seem to persist, notwithstanding the fact that there is nothing in this world that would give their existence any meaning. But then it should be nothing more than we expect, given that the human race stubbornly insist that reality is all that can exist.

I guess it’s almost arrogant to think we find it necessary to only have what we can hold, than just be what we are. Splendid in our divine existence that we sometimes try so hard to deny, that we fail to realize that we are one withal. And in denying half of our existence we end up merely shells of who we have always been.

And then there is the placebo effect, which proves beyond a doubt that what we get is what we expect. In a sense it’s almost typical of us to think that what we always have to give proof of what we have, as if we need to give testament to our joy and happiness, and want to prove to all and sundry our success.

When all we need is leave what be, and if we’re lucky see how glorious it is.


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