The herd instinct and other myths

It is a modern day fact that society is the glue that holds our human existence together. It protects us, gives us purpose and rewards us for good service.

It is then not surprising that social benevolence and standing become an important part of peoples lives. The things that happen to us and how we are viewed by the people that make up our society may gain a significance beyond our own.

What many people fail to realize is that social benevolence may provide a platform for contact with others, but that it does not provide any assurance of connection. It is this need for connection that is the root of what psychologists and sociologists call our herd mentality. By connecting with others we share and we grow.

But people compromise to be able to fit in. People cheat to belong. The result of this, is that even if we achieve contact we cannot connect because we are not truthful, or even honest with ourselves. And while we are lying to ourself we cannot be honest with others. While we are acting the role that society requires of us to belong, we cannot achieve the meaningful interaction that we need to fulfill our destiny.

The only way we can ever hope to have the presence to be who we are is by sharing our opinion without fear of shame or rejection, something that we cannot do if we live in constant fear of being cast from the society we try so hard to uphold.


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