
Showing posts from January, 2010

reality and belief

Sometimes people need to be reminded about reality. This typically take the form of one or the other seemingly innocent experience that spark a childhood memory of anguish and regret, which in turn ignite a dozen or so others you had similarly denied and explode with such a force that it shakes the very foundation of what you consider to be reality. When the the bedrock of reality start crumbling in the face of revelation there is little time for reason. It is then that it pays to have some kind of understanding that will inform the choice to be made. And it is worthy to note that the overwhelming feeling of doubt is transient. Do not panic. Breathe. Believe in your heart what is true and choose. If choice allow change in the face of cost, then you better hold on to your hat if you can. When the storm winds of change come to blow you just hold on tight, and wait until it is over. Also keep in mind that wherever you are, there you will stand resolute in your choic...

Now you've ruined the friendship!

If you are looking for likely candidates to bring ruin to any relation, you have to look no further than words. I will always maintain a healthy respect for the power of the spoken word, but goodness knows. There is hardly a word still around you can trust for the sense people try to make when they share the idea. Its all a bit like way back when it was still fun to attempt your advice. Why I clearly remember a time when I did, convinced that my word had the holy conviction of all that is good in the world. Remember the times that you knew you were right? I guess there come a time in everybody's life to be found wanting when it matter the most. The funny thing is, were it not for hurt or shame or guilt or fear the odds are better than not you are right. If a common understanding exist and you share your conviction in honest and trust, the chance you are wrong will be slimmer to none. Unless of course, there is always the odd chance that maybe they thought... Maybe you should have t...

I did it my way...

How many times do the triumphant chorus of that song by Ol' Blue Eyes   grab and hold you mesmerized as it rips your heart out in the triumphant glory of ecstasy... So I'll admit to having had some issues in the past, but just think about the emotional potential that legends like Frankie and Natalie hold sway by the power of their voice. Think about the people that have tried to sing the song with meaning and who fail, not by any lack of talent or trying, but simply because there are some things in life you don't think about. You can spend a weekend talking about the pro's and con's and in the end whats done is what counts. Even when its wrong it doesn't change the fact that it was done with honesty, conviction, passion, flair and grace. It is a wisdom that always resonate in fame and infamy, but never with intent, that life lived well is worth every moment spent living it. The rest is open to opinion, but right now I don't have the time to discuss it. Nowa...

The monster from the lake - A parable

There is an ancient story told by the wise old men of our tribe, and it goes something like this: It was a time before time had forgot, but still I remember it well… The monster that came from the lake was deadly and swift and it nearly killed all the members of my tribe. The strong warriors, the young women and the babes in blankets were its favorite. They were the ones it took first. But perhaps it is best if I start at the beginning. My story is that of great suffering and pain. Many had died from the venom of the monster from the lake. But it is also one of victory and hope, for in the end we conquered the monster… Many years ago it happened that one day our village was shocked at the death of one of our strongest warriors. He was in the pride of his life, having fought countless battles and winning them all. He provided well for his family and the rest of the tribe. All the warriors of the region admired his skill with spear and bow, his victory over enemies were p...


My dagtes dwaal soos kolke maal dit in my rond    The music that we bring to ear reflect the sound we hear beyond the noise of our calamity. The voice of all humanity. The mind of mind where matter not bring harmony to all that wish and dream reality begot from seam to gleam by simple choices made.   And thus we live in our humanity the wade and wake of what we make through time sublime in mind of matter not. Divinty.

In the beginning...

The passion of prose was playing around with his peers when he perceived a promising prospect. A man in his thirties with barely a scratch from his earlier years, but scars that are deep as they are wide on his soul. A man that believed he had to see what he knew, and if he didn’t he filed it under possible. How do you convince such a man of the passion he hides in his writing? Can you convince such a man that his words all hold meaning, and have a power on their own in a language the he doesn’t always understand? And thus started the journey to Wisdom of Ages.

To the living memory...

And with that thought in mind he went ahead and made it matter. As far as poster children go of people who have made a difference, my guess would be that Rene Descartes would be right there at the top. Not only does he have the distinction of being called "The Father of Modern Philosophy", and please note the quote, he further went on to show us the reality of divine harmony by founding analytic geometry. He was one of the key figures in the Scientific Revolution, and publicly exposed the false reality of perception, memory and thought.  He will probably best be known for his thinking on existence that culminated in the quote, "I think, therefore I am". He was one of the few of our kind to rip the veil off reality to expose us to the ugly face of self delusion. He showed us the blind eye of our limited thought on the nature of our own existence and continued a long line of wisdom stretching way back to people like Aristotle and St. Augustine. He also shared a though...

Positive pop fizzles

I have always wondered if universal principles could have a downside? Well, according to Ms Ehrenreich of The Guardian it does! In her article Smile! You've got cancer she relates how her own experience in the world of positive pop fizzled to the following  conclusion: Breast cancer, I can now report, did not make me prettier or stronger, more feminine or spiritual. What it gave me, if you want to call this a "gift", was a very personal, agonising encounter with an ideological force in American culture that I had not been aware of before – one that encourages us to deny reality, submit cheerfully to misfortune and blame only ourselves for our fate. To me it smacks of an industry that lures vulnerable women into a web of deceit that is built on a well known principle, but sold as an empty vassal with self delusional happy claptrap tricks. I suppose it just proves the fact that reality is what you make of it. That, and the fact that the omnipotent nature of the universe al...

The tree’s of Genesis

If we go according to the King James version of the Bible, the Garden of Eden had a lot of trees. According to Genesis 2:9: “And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the Tree of Life also in the midst of the garden, and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.” After the creation of Adam, God told him: “But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” About the tree of life God doesn’t say anything, at least not according to the book. That does not mean that the Tree of Life was any less verboten than the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, far from it! When God banishes his new creations from Eden and curse them “till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return”, He “drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming s...

Quantum proof of life, the universe, everything...

If intention is the seed that fertilises our collective conciousness to give birth to existence, then the quote below is quantum proof of pretty much everything. It defines our universal role as observers on a mission to explore the myriad of possibilities we have, and manifest those that are the most appealing. In quantum mechanics,  wave function collapse  (also called collapse of the state vector or reduction of the wave packet) is the process by which a wave function, initially in a superposition of different eigenstates, appears to reduce to a single one of the states after interaction with an observer.  In simplified terms, it is the condensation of physical possibilities into a single occurrence, as seen by an observer. It is one of two processes by which quantum systems evolve in time according to the laws of quantum mechanics as presented by John von Neumann.[1] And thus we find that quantum mechanics provide the perfect proof to support the notion ...