reality and belief

Sometimes people need to be reminded about reality. This typically take the form of one or the other seemingly innocent experience that spark a childhood memory of anguish and regret, which in turn ignite a dozen or so others you had similarly denied and explode with such a force that it shakes the very foundation of what you consider to be reality.

When the the bedrock of reality start crumbling in the face of revelation there is little time for reason. It is then that it pays to have some kind of understanding that will inform the choice to be made. And it is worthy to note that the overwhelming feeling of doubt is transient.

Do not panic. Breathe. Believe in your heart what is true and choose. If choice allow change in the face of cost, then you better hold on to your hat if you can. When the storm winds of change come to blow you just hold on tight, and wait until it is over. Also keep in mind that wherever you are, there you will stand resolute in your choice for change, that is where you will begin with the next part of your journey to eternal wisdom and divine discovery.

If not, it is always wise to remember that you would do well to surrender the memories to mind that started all this, for they are the unseen forces that blind you, and hold you behind in the clutch of regret and forget.

If memory serves me well I can tell of a time in my life that I just stood up bravely, dusted myself, and started all over. From my own experience I believe that doing it over again was important for me and who I become, but it is not something that I would recommend. Things keep on changing in the minutest detail, and while everything else stay pretty much the same, it all ends up totally different.

I eventually gave it up as bad experience, only to learn later on that reality based on traditional values, developmental experience, social demand and verified or eye witness account is just as frail and fallible as the next . If you try hard enough you can make believe anything you have accepted as true, no matter how false your view of reality may be. It is a view that is shared between a large number of modern behavioral and social scientists, a matter of fact that can be confirmed by experience as well as current research, and it can be independently verified to exist as a particle physics principle.

While some people continue to turn a blind eye to the mounting scientific evidence that support the observations that our experience of reality is based on our perception, which in turn depend on our intention, those who accept it are dis-covering such ancient principles as resonance, entanglement and the law of attraction. A perfect example is the recent finding that experience is made up of 20% perception and 80% intention!

Evidence continue to show that our world is entirely what we make of it, and while it remains tricky to create something out of nothing, choosing to ignore something that really exist is probably the cheapest mental trick in the book.

If you consider all the options and think about it with an open heart and mind you will find that the practice of intention is just about the best you can get to establish a solid sense of reality. It is a much better choice than disbelief and blind sight and, once you get the hang of it, is one of the easiest ways to navigate through most of the challenges that life bring to our door.

Intention surpasses perception, reality and belief as one of the best strategies to use, independent of anything else that we do, whatever we choose. It is also one of the least traumatic ways to encourage the growth and discovery to break free from the clutches of a reality that only exist in our mind.


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