The monster from the lake - A parable
There is an ancient story told by the wise old men of our tribe, and it goes something like this:
It was a time before time had forgot, but still I remember it well… The monster that came from the lake was deadly and swift and it nearly killed all the members of my tribe. The strong warriors, the young women and the babes in blankets were its favorite. They were the ones it took first. But perhaps it is best if I start at the beginning.
My story is that of great suffering and pain. Many had died from the venom of the monster from the lake. But it is also one of victory and hope, for in the end we conquered the monster…
Many years ago it happened that one day our village was shocked at the death of one of our strongest warriors. He was in the pride of his life, having fought countless battles and winning them all. He provided well for his family and the rest of the tribe. All the warriors of the region admired his skill with spear and bow, his victory over enemies were praised in song and dance and he was a favorite with the young woman of the village. And then one night he died in his sleep.
He was not the last, for soon it was noticed that other warriors were getting sick and weak. Their wives were to follow and the children that were born of the sick warriors were frail. Many of the children died before they were strong enough to lift a spear. Mothers were dying before their newborn children had stopped sucking from their mother’s breast. It was not only in my village that people were getting sick and dying, but the same was happening all through the land. It was a terrible time and the earth was wet with tears for those who were sick and dying.
All the wise men of the country were called together for indaba. For many days and nights they sat around the fire to discuss the curse that was terrorizing the villages. Villagers were called to give testimony to the wise men. Finally the oldest and wisest of all called together the people of the land. It is a monster from the big lake in the middle of the land that was killing our people he said. It comes in the night where lovers are sleeping. The bite of the monster is small and innocent but its venom is strong and deadly. This was what was killing our people.
The strongest and bravest of the soldiers were chosen and sent to the lake to go and kill the monster. For days they watched the shores of the lake to attack the monster if it raised its head above the water. Still the people were getting sick, and still the people were dying.
Again the wise men came together to make a better plan. No one had seen the monster come out of the lake, but the venom of the monster was killing the people. Perhaps the monster did not come from the lake at all? It was decided that all the warriors of the land should search every bush and cave. They looked everywhere, but the monster could not be found. The only place that it could be hiding was the lake.
Once more the wise men gathered and again the fires burned till dawn. When the sun showed its head on the morning of the 5th day the oldest and wisest of the men called the people together. The only way that the monster could be defeated was by circling the lake to trap the monster. If the monster appeared then the warriors would attack and kill it. But the lake was big and it had to be circled all the way round. All the warriors of the land were used to form the circle. For many days the warriors stayed at their post, waiting for the monster to show its head. The monster was scared and stayed in the lake. As long as the warriors were circling the lake the monster stayed hidden and the people stayed healthy. But with all the warriors circling the lake there were no one to hunt for food or protect the woman and children from the wild animals.
For the last time the wise men of the land got together. It was decided that there was a solution to the problem. “Masibambisane” said the oldest and wisest of men. Everyone would have to work together. Man and woman, old and young, strong and weak. Everyone would be used to guard the lake and keep the monster in hiding.
It has been years since then, and still the circle of people is kept round the lake. To this day there has been no more death or disease caused by the venom of the monster that no one has seen.
The story so told is a parody of HIV in our modern times. The story of a disease that is destined to bleed our nation dry if we do not heed to the call of the oldest of wise. That only by standing together, the weak and the strong together in unity, only then will we be able to survive.
