To the living memory...

And with that thought in mind he went ahead and made it matter.

As far as poster children go of people who have made a difference, my guess would be that Rene Descartes would be right there at the top. Not only does he have the distinction of being called "The Father of Modern Philosophy", and please note the quote, he further went on to show us the reality of divine harmony by founding analytic geometry. He was one of the key figures in the Scientific Revolution, and publicly exposed the false reality of perception, memory and thought. 

He will probably best be known for his thinking on existence that culminated in the quote, "I think, therefore I am". He was one of the few of our kind to rip the veil off reality to expose us to the ugly face of self delusion. He showed us the blind eye of our limited thought on the nature of our own existence and continued a long line of wisdom stretching way back to people like Aristotle and St. Augustine. He also shared a thought on what he was thinking of God, but it seems that you do not have to be right all the time to think of something that would change the mind of human history.

It is an honor to meet you Renatus Cartesius. Our collective consciousness, and my own journey through life has found new meaning because you shared us a thought.


Anonymous said…
Hail, to the Hell Yeah

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