
Showing posts from January, 2020

The art of divination

From its humble uptake as a deck of fools used in parlour tricks by Jokers in traveling carnivals, to a mystical tool of prophecy to entertain the royal court of France, the Tarot Deck has served wo(man)ity in witchety premonition, hermeneutic reflection, magical trickery and mystical prophecy, semiotic deduction and ontonological classification for as long we know throughout history. At face value it's nothing more than a deck of cards that feature illustrations that combine archane symbology and universal archtypes with historically significant and/or culture relevant imagery. In the hand of a skilled practitioner it can transform into a powerful tool to divine the nature of present sense, elaborate on the relevance of any wherewithal, and comment on whatever intention we share in cocreative confluence, advise us of what contributed to the matter at hand and inform us to the presence of harmonic relevance, distortion and dissonance, and auger the mutual resonance relevant...

The meaning of Life

 Everything is connected intent in sense and mutual relevance. The illusion of understanding often occurs due to bias, with selection and confirmation biases noted as those that were particularly prevalent. B iases distort our perception of the present by filtering sensory data that support a preferential point of view, and though it would be tempting to lay the blame of all our woes on a collective unconscious adaptation to a nefarious and ill considered reality, but the truth is that our present abide in the unwitting conviction to defend the status quo. To 'understand' our lack of insight and understanding in our own condition needs a perspective that informs the present with the necessary sense to discern the nature of existence and accept the flow of change. In the words of the artist Leonardo DaVinci we first need to 'learn how to look'. If we would notice the present and witness the marvel of mutual relevance we need to share the present unconditiona...
From a present sense aware that everything is connected in mutual relevance, the revelation that a vested relation exist between the different meams of manifestating creative confluence is self evident. The purview of conviction refute the apparent expression, defy the  present sense that abide in mutual relevance, and blinds us to the self apparent, immutable and pervasive principles that we share intent in sense regardless of our culture, creed or cast.  All manner of matter manifest intent in dual entangled equal mirror opposite expression.