The art of divination

From its humble uptake as a deck of fools used in parlour tricks by Jokers in traveling carnivals, to a mystical tool of prophecy to entertain the royal court of France, the Tarot Deck has served wo(man)ity in witchety premonition, hermeneutic reflection, magical trickery and mystical prophecy, semiotic deduction and ontonological classification for as long we know throughout history.

At face value it's nothing more than a deck of cards that feature illustrations that combine archane symbology and universal archtypes with historically significant and/or culture relevant imagery. In the hand of a skilled practitioner it can transform into a powerful tool to divine the nature of present sense, elaborate on the relevance of any wherewithal, and comment on whatever intention we share in cocreative confluence, advise us of what contributed to the matter at hand and inform us to the presence of harmonic relevance, distortion and dissonance, and auger the mutual resonance relevant to the querient that consult 'The Oracle'.

The origin of the Tarot Deck relates to the deck of cards used in the Middle Ages by traveling jesters for entertaining the masses and as a means of underground communication by insurgents of the proletariat to inform revolutionaries and share intelligence, and is still in use by travelling fortune tellers, mystics, mages and side show performances in carivans, carnivals, and private consultations for informing relation, scrying fortuitous happenstance, revealing present sense and inferring mutual relevance.

According to some accounts the Tarot allegedly became the modern deck of cards we commonly use for playing Poker, Solitaire and Blackjack, and the use of 'Jokers' in the modern deck of cards is believed to relate to it's collequeal reference as 'The Journey of the Fool'.

Although the design of the cards has seen numerous transformations over time and between different cultures the deck has always featured four Suite's with their associated Trumps and spreads to represent the dual entangled equal mirror opposite expression of Nature's cocreative manifest, the various archtypes associated with the Major Arcana to attest the various roles we enact and ways we relate to as we journey through life with a spread of either 21 or 22 cards (depending who you ask) to illustrate the bespoke 'Journey of a Fool's. By leveraging the resonance of multilayering universal principles, archane symbology, and culturally significant places and items to entangle the flow of a querient's intent and express the mutual relevance, the 'Grand Scheme of Things', a personal view of the present, past and future expression of the relevance relating to the nature of the questioners expressed and presence they share intent.

Notwithstanding it's dubious origin and subsequent subversion as a game of luck and chance, the time honoured practice that gave birth to the Tarot Deck's ancient and revered use in the art of divination persist in modern practices much as it did in the past. Divination, or Cartomancy as some people like to refer to the mystical magination of fortune telling is still used by those in the know, and it's self evident auguring accuracy has made it a trusted source of insight and practical advice for both devout believers and inquisitive curious enquirer's alike.

Much like I Ching, throwing bones, reading palms and consulting ancestors, Cartomancy takes advantage of the principles that manifest reality to interpret the interests, intent, inference and relevance regarding the question at hand. While I Ching relates the opposing principles relate the harmonic expression of change relative to the intention of the querient as it pertains to the three states of existence, Tarot interprets the entangled nature of our existence by expressing the primeval forces at play in the presence of any proposed course of action. Whereas the formulation of the resulting answer to any query using either method of divination is evidently obtained by looking at reality and regard from opposing points of view, both rely on the harmonic relevance of the matter at hand to derive their conclusion.

Considering the dual opposing perspectives that gave rise to their East vs West origin is nothing less than proof of their proprietary provenance as tools for auguring the harmonic relevance of shared intent and expressing the divine confluence of Nature's creative manifest.

From a 'Grand Scheme' things the Art of Divination is much more archane and less mysterious than what we believe, still as relevant and useful as it has proven to be, and a accurate and pertinent means to inform the resonance of wo(man) kind's wayward endeavours.


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