The meaning of Life

 Everything is connected intent in sense and mutual relevance.

The illusion of understanding often occurs due to bias, with selection and confirmation biases noted as those that were particularly prevalent. Biases distort our perception of the present by filtering sensory data that support a preferential point of view, and though it would be tempting to lay the blame of all our woes on a collective unconscious adaptation to a nefarious and ill considered reality, but the truth is that our present abide in the unwitting conviction to defend the status quo.

To 'understand' our lack of insight and understanding in our own condition needs a perspective that informs the present with the necessary sense to discern the nature of existence and accept the flow of change. In the words of the artist Leonardo DaVinci we first need to 'learn how to look'. If we would notice the present and witness the marvel of mutual relevance we need to share the present unconditionally, regardless of our conviction, culture, creed or cast. Basking in serendipitous happenstance is more than a lifestyle, it's a way of living. The reason why the slogan has been so successful in the advertising industry is because it is true!

Of all the manner of things that disrupt the presence we share intent, dissonance is often viewed as harmless given the self healing nature of our habitat's vibrational field, but for the matter at hand our sense of presence is riddled by fear and beleaguered by doubt and mistrust. While fear is known to cause all kinds of madness, the morbidity related to its blight of perception is largely un-recognised. To the matter at hand it is prudent to mention fear is reason enough to obfuscate our understanding, and terror is a excellent strategy to subdue dissent, but it is hardly an appropriate state of mind to make  sense of anything, much less the meaning of life.

According to the author of a article in the allusion of understanding is particularly prominent in the field of economic forecasting, but from a conscious perspective it is obvious that the condition is vastly more devious, insipid, pervasive, and considerably more than a mere glitch in the forecast of financial Futures.

Contrary to popular belief the rot at the core of reality is not a lack of meaning but the absence of sense. Our lack of understang has little to do with the reason we incessantly search for, or the recipe for success and stardom we are all desperately trying to find. A resolute defiance to realize the mutual relevance of the  present and our resolve to abstain from being open and honest is just as much to blame for the lack of sense. The precocious state of our collective conscious awareness is beleaguered by our commitment to the status quo, and our resistance to change impervious to the nature of creation.

Whereas uncertainty and doubt go hand in glove to uphold the conviction of our vested beliefs, from a conscious aware of the nature of presence, of shared intent and the sense in mutual relevance, the wherewithal of Nature's cocreative confluence abide without fear of falter, failure, reprisal or reprieve. The bottom line to living life well is simple. 

If you're not having fun then your're not doing it right.

Living up to our full potential is far from the White Elephant it used to be. There is more than enough scientific research that prove life is worth living if it feels good. And with nothing to lose but a point of view isn't it time you change your mind and join the revelation of living life without pretext or purview but for the pleasure we share intent.


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