
Showing posts from March, 2010

My journey to love, and Hugh Heffner

When Hugh became Heff, just after his first betrayal in love, that was probably where our path’s split. Even then, with him fearlessly choosing the traditional role of faithful husband, and later of wealthy Casanova, our journeys maintained the course that started off in early childhood. In many ways I feel that we are twins, separated in time by the betrayal of love as we understood it then, and it broke our hearts. I decided that I would uphold societies wish and play it straight, and since I was definitely not straight, my life became a search for answers. I immersed myself in the study of science, and through it I came face to face with God. But just like my first experience with love, my meeting with God through the lens of an electro-microscope didn’t look like it was ‘meant’ to be at all, and baffled by the evidence I had found it slowly dawned on me that maybe society was wrong, that some of the things that were told to me was flawed. It was during this time that I broke m...

The harmony of the universe

Artists and ar­chi­tects have have used the gold­en ra­tio for cen­turies—for ex­am­ple, rectan­gles 1.618 times high­er than they are wide—be­cause it sup­posedly pro­vides es­thet­ic­ally pleas­ing forms. The gold­en ra­tio is irra­t­ional, like pi, mean­ing its dec­i­mals go on for­ev­er. In the “quan­tum un­cer­tain” state of mat­ter, the ra­tio “re­flects a beau­ti­ful prop­er­ty of the quan­tum sys­tem – a hid­den sym­me­try,” Col­dea said. It is “ac­tually quite a spe­cial one called E8 by math­e­mati­cians, and this is its first ob­serva­t­ion in a ma­te­ri­al.” The find­ings dra­mat­ic­ally il­lus­trate how math­e­mat­i­cal the­o­ries de­vel­oped for par­t­i­cle phys­ics may find ap­plica­t­ion in sci­ence at the nano­scale—the scale of a few at­oms—and ul­ti­mately in fu­ture tech­nol­o­gy, he added. Read all about it in the article "Golden ratio" hints at hidden atomic symmetry . To experience the emotional effect of pi you can listen to 

My burden of sin

My own religious tradition resulted in a childhood belief that when we die we would be judged on our burden of sin, and by the common understanding of everyone that I trusted to know, those who were found wanting would be cast to the fiery pits of hell. And to make sure that I toe the line the media available all around me provided graphic detail of unspeakable loss and horror for those guilty of sin. With God as my only savior I tackled the road of strife as it was foretold, and thus divine resolved to fate I crawled ahead in misery and regret. Not only with the sin I found in my own life, but also the sin of my father, and his father, and his fathers father. My life became a constant battle, not only with the rapturous temptation of my own life, but the temptation of all the world around. All of which resulted in a dull and dreary life that I escaped into another world. a world of love and truth, of kindness and respect. I used to dream of such a place without the fear of sin. Wikipe...

Angels and Demons

The wisdom of ages hold that you must face them if you believe then you must face them all To defeat them stand before the power of the one To believe them is a choice the same as choice would be and is and ever was To bask in light and glory where one become us all is choice as choice will be. The same as choice is and ever was   Before belief become the angel and the demon one was it conceived one was it believed and one we must respect