My burden of sin
With God as my only savior I tackled the road of strife as it was foretold, and thus divine resolved to fate I crawled ahead in misery and regret. Not only with the sin I found in my own life, but also the sin of my father, and his father, and his fathers father. My life became a constant battle, not only with the rapturous temptation of my own life, but the temptation of all the world around. All of which resulted in a dull and dreary life that I escaped into another world. a world of love and truth, of kindness and respect. I used to dream of such a place without the fear of sin.
Wikipedia, the popular global repository of modern human knowledge, define the Seven deadly sins without the rhetoric of damnation, and is a must read for anyone looking for salvation. My own ability to understand the universe is sometimes still clouded by emotion, and to see them all at once, stripped and naked before everybody's glare helped me to see the truth without the fear of guilt.
The Seven Deadly Sins, also known as the Capital Vices or Cardinal Sins, is a classification of the most objectionable vices that has been used since early Christian times to educate and instruct followers concerning (immoral) fallen humanity's tendency to sin. The final version of the list consists of wrath, avarice, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony.Fear is the most primitive of all the emotions. Fear is the destruction of life, even the fear of sin. As part of our natural instinct for survival it triggers fight or flight, and it is one of the remaining vestiges of evolution. Once it is triggered, the mind is left with very little maneuvering capability, and that which is, are kept for level headed logic by keeping control of a superhuman beast that knows no bounds. Either that or sinking sobbing to a helpless and decrepit heap of subjugation. Nature will not be denied.
