The Daodeijing
The universal principle of dual entangled existence (Quantum Entanglement) and the mutual relevance that endear the ebb and flow of Nature's cocreative confluence (Periodicity), and the primordial Nature of Creation that realize everything connect in mutual relevance contrives the premise for the screenplay of the popular movie, the Butterfly Effect. Whereas the storyline is a allegorical supposition it is prudent to mention that the mystical allusion that everything is connected is a well known modern scientific principle. In the field of quantum physics the Butterfly Effect is known as entanglement and refers to the equal mirror opposite nature of quantum particles, and the particle-wave duality that manifest matter in the advent of a quantum wave collapse, In the 'Grand Scheme of Things' the elusive principle is pervasive and insipid, and fundamental to the nature of creation and existence. Unbeknownst to most the Quantum principles that Einstein called spooky a...