Answering Why?

The origin of mankind's search for meaning pre-date living history. Most Western scholars would argue that our search for reason originated between being able to talk and the ability to write. Some say emerging consciousness the nature of our evolutionary heratige and harken back to a time long before our species committed to a bipedal means of ambulation. Anciently Greek philosophers are often accredited by their use of the word logos, meaning to account or reason, to define their understanding of life, a term that was included in the official lexicon of philosophy around 500 BC. The claim refutes mounting archeological evidence dating back a thousand years hence that document Vedic texts with knowledge that was inherited as a living memory, and its origins lost in antiquity. Given the discrepancy between East and West it is no surprise to find that there is no collective reason that can resolve our most vexing concerns such as what is the meaning of life and answering the quest...