Answering Why?

The origin of mankind's search for meaning pre-date living history. Most Western scholars would argue that our search for reason originated between being able to talk and the ability to write. Some say emerging consciousness the nature of our evolutionary heratige and harken back to a time long before our species committed to a bipedal means of ambulation.

Anciently Greek philosophers are often accredited by their use of the word logos, meaning to account or reason, to define their understanding of life, a term that was included in the official lexicon of philosophy around 500 BC. The claim refutes mounting archeological evidence dating back a thousand years hence that document Vedic texts with knowledge that was inherited as a living memory, and its origins lost in antiquity. Given the discrepancy between East and West it is no surprise to find that there is no collective reason that can resolve our most vexing concerns such as what is the meaning of life and answering the question why.

In my own mind I think I know why. And as with everything in life it comes down to a simple matter of choice. Not to choose one or the other but realising that that they are both part of a bigger picture.


I have always been uneasy about choosing between nature and nurture, and I've subsequently subconsciously been on a mission to finding why we seem to believe they are at odds. Simple as it may sound, why we question the nature of Nature is rooted in a vested belief that meaning is elusive. We place unwavering trust in someone that knows the reason why, that comprehend the what and when or how of our unwitting wherewithal, and yet we are still desperately searching for answers to quell our doubt.

Our obsession with knowing is a matter of public record, care of the search engines we ask for answers, keeping track our incessant quest to make sense of the present by looking in the archives of the Western half of our collective understanding. Search engine requests clearly show that the sum of knowledge we have digitised, categorised and warehoused online is lacking, and fail to meet the demands of our seemingly insatiable appetite for meaning to quell our dissolution.

According to Discovery News;
"There's a lot of information about history and past ancestors in the DNA of an individual...
we're in the early stages of unlocking that information.
From a present sense aware of the scism between West and East the primordial principles of the Vedic manuscripts abide in the wisdom of present sense in stead of the truth that we fathom from conjecture rather than the living evidence of Nature's cocreative confluence. The revelation that sense is a function of presence and living life well is a purpose we share intent in mutual relevance is hard to imagine under duress, and refuted by proprietary terms and conditions that inform our beleaguered conviction.


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