I beg your pardon
All things considered it is no surprise to find that the restrictions and isolation required by the current global pandemic would fuel our fears and heighten the uncertainty of a social decree that was on the brink of ruin long before the public health advisory that we lock down and stay home.
By all accounts the here and now is a defining moment in the history of wo(man)kind as for the first time in living memory everyone accross the world is confronted with a common threat, the first time that all of us are united by conscious presence without having recourse to social grace and primed appearances and forced by similar circumstance to question common purpose, search for mutual relevance and share a present sense of reference. From a conscious aware of the nature of intent to manifest change the potential presented by such a enormous confluence of mutual interest is as unfathomable as the realization that it would be a unmitigated error if we do everything to abate a predicament and did nothing with the current state of global affairs. What with the habits of convention and the things we consider to be sacrosanct, and then with a mind so distorted beleaguer its sanity by the bile of threat, the fear of survival and dependency fueled by rising anxiety and growing public violence, it's no wonder that we are subject to spontaneous bouts of anger, pangs of grief, erratic emotional outbursts and the occasional doldrums of desperation Whereas the reason why we pledge subservience to the promise of reward is self evident, given the present state of worldwide pandemonium its perfectly plausable that the prevailing panic may threaten our common sense and deny us from realizing the present and squander the most auspicious opportunity of a lifetime, such is surely not a wherewithal worth contemplating. Forfeit is neither a choice worth mention nor failure a concern worth caring about when living life feels good regardless of circumstance and whatever wherewithal we may find ourselves.
Since happiness is neither a reward nor the sense of wonder I had always imagined I have been having the devil of a time trying to convince the world that just beyond the limits of their interest and discontent there's a roaming field of invention burgeoning with potential possibility, despite the added perk of a plethora of choice for having fun and frolic in the flow creative abandon.
The curious paradox that people think if it's free to live life well is irrefutable evidence of how our habit of living obfuscate our choices with interests that are irrelevant to the collective sense we share unwittingly. We hardly ever think of sharing intent. And though choosing to live life well is a common and global concern and one we all aspire to equally in this time of #stayhome #lockdown and #isolation we prefer to spend our time chasing other people's interest, vying for values that are irreverent, dubious and questionable at the very least, and fighting for causes that are ill conceived and born of chaos, fear and doubt.
How odd this condition of Humanity, that we would deny the point of view the present presents, defy the relevance of our mutual relation, and deny the revelation of present sense in lieu of a belief that is neither in our, or any one else's interest.
In a society that 'celebrate' diversity but devoted to preening our appearance to appease some preconcieved goal or ideal what may well have been par for the course in the past, but it doesn't matter in the present we share intent in mutual relevance. Just because it happened to be commonplace once to believe in the right cause, plan for providence and vy for reward is hardly a reason for harboring such dichotomies in the future. Professing prophecy and pandering promise is a common distraction in these beleaguered times we share, but for all intent and purpose it refutes the present we share in the flow of mutual relevance and avail to prevent us from noticing the sense that prevail when we take a break from the noise and clamor of our daily discourse regardless.
I find belligerence to be a pet peeve myself, and I'm baffled by the level of obstinate rebuttal of any opinion and blatant disregard for every point of view but the one we believe to be sacrosanct, the status quo. Not for the sake of fact or cause or claim nor clear idea, but in the conviction that change is a risk, that losing is a chance to learn, and reward is the aim of every endeavor. I'm appalled by the unconscionable present we bear I am saddened by the fact that we may all unwittingly be led by nefarious intent, but for the sake of a pointless truth.
Share it like you mean it may sound like a dystopian ideal, but it it's best advice I can muster, and a habit well worth having regardless of expectation or #Covid19, and one that strangely echo with a sentiment I'm rather fond about. Namaste. Wherever you are and whatever wherewithal you choose, Namaste is a way to share your intent.