I beg your pardon

All things considered it is no surprise to find that the restrictions and isolation required by the current global pandemic would fuel our fears and heighten the uncertainty of a social decree that was on the brink of ruin long before the public health advisory that we lock down and stay home. By all accounts the here and now is a defining moment in the history of wo(man)kind as for the first time in living memory everyone accross the world is confronted with a common threat, the first time that all of us are united by conscious presence without having recourse to social grace and primed appearances and forced by similar circumstance to question common purpose, search for mutual relevance and share a present sense of reference. From a conscious aware of the nature of intent to manifest change the potential presented by such a enormous confluence of mutual interest is as unfathomable as the realization that it would be a unmitigated error if we do everything to abate a predicament and d...