The power of emotion

Have you ever listened to some awe inspiring music that just blows you away, only to find when you want to share that moment of lyrical ecstasy, nobody else quite get it? It is almost as if the harmony it triggers with your emotions do not always trigger more.

Have you ever experienced the explosive passion that music can ignite when played live before a horde of appreciating fans? It is a power that hits you in the chest and blows your mind away, much like the personal experience in the first example, but totally different in the sheer magnitude of feeling. You feel as if your chest could explode!

While there are many around that would venture they have delved their share of human emotion, both dark and bright, there are little that compare with emotion shared. When it feels you risk losing yourself in the avalanche of feeling shared, and your body is racked by wave on wave of mutual ecstasy or grief, that is when we shake hands with the divine.

Emotion is by and large a personal affaire. It is the result of individual sensory experience that resonate and amplify, a combination of sense and mind that triggers a physical response. The stronger the various bits of experience resonate with your presence, the stronger the emotion that will be felt.

Emotion is also a powerful force that can spread through a crowd like wildfire, amplified by each event of transfer. It resonates beyond individual thought and magnify in kind until it becomes so strong it captivates our mind and changes our reality.


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