Meeting God

You know how sometimes the answer to a question is right there under your nose? How sometimes the solution that will give resolution to a mystery that has vexed your mind for days, months or even years can sometimes be found in the very last place you look for it? Right in front of you?

Then you know how it was that I met God. And true to the spirit of things I found He was there all the time!

I suppose I could get away with the argument that I was blinded by divinity, but the truth is such that even a blind man could see it. Truth be told I guess the best advice I could give to any bold adventurer like me is to just approach it blindly.

Research has shown that our brains are good at two things:

One, it is very good at pattern recognition. So good in fact, that babies can differentiate between the identity of different sheep. Unfortunately this ability to remember a “face” in a flock is lost, along of a host of other abilities that cannot stand up to the harsh reality we often make our own. Once we lay claim to our ego we seem to find it difficult to hold on to something that is the total opposite of the real world that we live in, so much so that we go into a state of shock. In my own case it was a shock that lasted until recently.

Two, it is very good at predicting. Without it we would probably not be able to do even simple things like eating ice cream or saying a word, let alone such complex actions like standing up and walking around.

You see, the brain record the patterns it observes, and based on the pattern, it predicts the action required and start to send out signals to the rest of the body. Without this constant pattern recognition and prediction we would never be able to avoid an unexpected obstacle, or duck in time to miss the pie aimed at our head. It is in this duality that we find the reason to reason, and begin to see how the spirit exist.

Research has confirmed an eerie phenomenon called blindsight that allows blind people to navigate between the obstacles in a dark and unknown alley, better that those who have sight. Without the use of a cane! According to Professor Beatrice de Gelder of the University of Tilburg in the Netherlands, who led the study, said: “This is absolutely the first study of this ability in humans. We see what humans can do, even with no awareness of seeing or any intentional avoidance of obstacles. It shows us the importance of evolutionarily ancient visual paths. They contribute more than we think they do for us to function in the real world.”

Just as the ability of children that can distinguish the identity of different sheep, this built-in navigational assistance is something we only discovered recently. Abilities that baffle the mind and defy the laws of nature, at least as much we knew them yesterday. Like the discovery that happiness is contagious, or the finding that our brain does not distinguish between fantasy and reality. In the face of such overwhelming defiance of nature we are starting to see the brilliance that the spirit hold.

Take for instance the quantum effect of entanglement which describe the “telepathic” link between particles that allow the one entangled particle to act the same as its entangled twin, irrespective of space and time. If we take one twin to the moon and increase the rate of its spin, the particle that we left back on earth will simultaneously mirror the speed of its entangled twin.

Just as love provide us with a connection that endures no matter how far we are from our loved ones, entanglement does the same at the quantum level.

Quantum reality has also demonstrated that particles can change their nature based on the mere presence or absence of our attention. By focusing our attention on their behavior they change into something that is totally opposite in nature if we just let them be.

Just as focusing on the positive and the good things in our life seem to miraculously make the bad things go away, we have the power to change the nature of quantum reality by the simple act of intention and observation.

Even though we are only scratching the surface with our current knowledge of the quantum universe, it seems that every thing we find only adds to the mystery behind what we consider matter, space and time. But the laws that govern these subatomic particles are responsible for the expression of reality as we know it, and it is their nature that determine e=mc square.

Behold the face of God. Immutable, unchanging, and solid as a rock through all eternity. And true the word of God that gave us power over all creation, at least as much as it matters to our attention.

Meeting God has changed my life from meek and humble servant to the devastating force of nature, to master of my own reality. Meek and humble in the knowledge that divinity is found in everything around that matter, and struggling to find what does. One thing I know at least is love, and the more I understand my own reason to be, the less I find that matter more than love.

Love is the bond that go beyond the ego that is me, that bind me safe to all reality and give me strength to take responsibility for the reality I co create with all humanity. I trust that you will find the same as me, that life is nothing less than best, just like paradise is meant to be. 


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