The arrogance of the ego

I am constantly amazed by the arrogance of the ego as it manifests in the assumptions that we make. I consider my self mentally acute, and of sound mind and clear thought, but still I must admit I am often outwit by my ego, no less.

Take for instance the concept of spirituality, and the way that I have addressed it hitherto in my writing. Just by reading a few of my articles it will soon become clear that my language tend to shift a gear when putting thought to paper. And while I know that it may loose some impact in translation, I have decided that my writing serves a purpose that may be called selfish by some, conversely there are those who would agree that my method serves a madness that's clear.

I write in answer to the call of the muse, and in the creative harmony that flows from her sweet melody I am blessed to write the words of the song. Should that find resonance is of no matter at that, as the joy I beget in the symphony thus has a value that surpasses them all.

But enough of the ego and feeding it’s need to be heard, for such is the nature of the journey we heed. Imagine then my surprise to hear the voice of ego knell in the heart of people like me. People who understand that to grow and find solace in soul there is a need to tell what we know, and yet we seem to feel the need to speak in a tongue that is strange to the ear.

I guess we have all heard the lingo that is used, and terms like nirvana and chakra's and aura’s and such will be familiar to all but the least of our kind. And to some even so that they would scoff at people who find them self outside the fold of 'enlightenment'. And such that it is, it begs of us to explain why it is thus. Does it serve a purpose beyond our ego to use such a language? Does it aid in our effort to spread the wisdom of truth, love and happiness to those who suffer in a prison of their own design.

Can we communicate effectively when we use a language that is foreign to the ear of those who need to hear the wisdom that belong to everyone but us? It is a well known principle that understanding is the key to unlock knowledge and wisdom, but by speaking in tongues we make it much more difficult than it is. By coining new phrases for that which has been in existence for as long as existence we only succeed in stroking our ego and confusing the rest.

In honesty and truth there is also very little need to explain that which is and what it means to be. I found myself astonished that I often do, and looking to the world we consciously create I see a similar pattern in the written word. To reach the ear of those who remain trapped in their mind we need to find such words that they would understand, even less to find the spark divine we share.

As for me I fear, the word that flows from my ear will depend on the song of the muse. And thus to myself and to all I implore the thought that we may open our mind and ear to hear the harmony that yearn with resonance of unity and peace.

Hark, I say! In the beginning there was the word, now as then it will forever be, even to those who have not heard.


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