In the world of science and technology there has been many discoveries that have made mankind cringe at the full realization of the impact of those discoveries. The most famous example is probably the discovery of the devastating power that can be released when we split the atom. In response to the shock and horror following the use of that discovery the inventor of the atom bomb started the Nobel peace prize.

Another of these discoveries, that of genetic manipulation, resulted in a public outcry of such a magnitude that international legislation had to be put in place to ensure that man never used the power to give life. As with the atom bomb, this discovery was just too good to leave alone, and the birth of Dolly the sheep, who was created through genetic manipulation still make people fall to their knees to pray forgiveness. But like the atom bomb, it seems as if this discovery may redeem itself in the eyes of us, the people that push technology to the limit of our own conscience.

Through the use of genetic manipulation, scientists have discovered a possible cure for AIDS. According to a recent article in Nature, a team of researchers using the forbidden science of genetic manipulation made a discovery that is possibly the first real hope in finding a cure for a disease that has plagued mankind for more than a decade. And this through a process that changes the genes of the patients receiving the treatment. This gene change make it impossible for the HI virus to make copies of itself. After infection the HI virus uses our own genetic material to multiply, a process that the new medicine aim to prevent. And if HIV cannot make copies of itself it will become a disease like flu that can easily be controlled by our immune systems.

According to the article in xxxxx the medicine is being developed as a vaccine, but in theory it may just as well be used as a cure. As such it has the potential to save many of the xxx million people currently infected with HIV, and at the same time free Africa from an epidemic that is destroying the economy, slowing growth, and generally wreaking havoc throughout our continent.

It will also free mankind of the bondage that resulted in response to the HIV epidemic, and allow us to continue our exploration of sex and sexuality in the quest for understanding one of the oldest mysteries known to man. The mystery of love. Just like the discovery of the atom bomb this new technology may change mankind forever, only this time it will not only change our hearts and our minds, but also the very core of what we are made of. Our genes.


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