Ask yourself, do cats really purr?

Now don't stop there my child, your responsibility towards reality is yours and yours alone, and I will have nothing of it. Now where was I, oh yes... The cats?

You must at least know something dont you know? Something about the cats and that nasty pleasant kind of whine in low gear sound. And I'm not talking about the high gear wine you get when they demand milk. That is a totally different sound and also quite another story. Do cats whine is all thats left to your interpretation.

Do cats purr I wonder. And the reason why is just because we know that they have feeling, but less than no emotion. This is obvious if you care to look and see that they have pain, even though it doesn't hurt. Which is of course quite the opposite in dogs. In dogs you see, by some wierd freak of nature they were blessed with more than enough emotion, but very little feeling. They always hurt much more than what they pain. Why you can ask any dog around if they have ever been in the pound and even those who never have will howl in sympathy.

But howling dogs are not much less than whining cats when we are looking for a purr that isn't always there. Now where it goes would probably be obvious if we could ask, but cats are known to go all strange when anybody does, which in itself is very strange. You see, cats have no emotion, and because they dont they really cannot have an attitude at all!

And all of this has made me think, do cats really purr? And if they really do, then could it be perhaps that it is much like dogs that howl in sympathy, but quite the opposite. Could it be in harmony with feeling good? Something like a good vibration?

If you think about it for a moment it makes sense and you can almost feel it's rright. Then again you may think more and so believe it less, but that would be emtional, and since we know that cats have none I think that it is best to think a little less. Maybe feel a little more. That is if we want to know the truth.


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