
Showing posts from June, 2008


To some I suppose, the idea that they actually might have to do something to get something must be a frightening idea. Probably just as much as the realization that we may not have free choice after all. And this fear, not because we have actually been doing something, not because we have actually been making choices, but rather because it is something we have been carefully planning, meticulously studying from every imaginable angle until we are absolutely, 110% sure that we are making the right one. Choice is what we took way back in paradise, and no amount of denial will take that from us in this lifetime. I suppose that is one of the reasons that some people have difficulty in making choices... So that they can do the right thing? And they were doing the right thing by not making those choices how? But enough about other people, back to me, and my fascinating discovery about the most important choice we have! The most important choice that we can ever make is... wait for it! Your ...

The rule of three

I suppose it shouldn't come as a surprise to know that there are a particular reason why things happen in three's. It is after all a universal law. In my experience the biggies tend to resonate way beyond their actual sphere because they are the one's, or zero's if you were speaking geek. And thus it also should not rise a brow if in the last three cycles of the moon I have had a brush with life three times. In the first I felt removed, and almost void of choice, the next I rushed inside without a choice or even thinking twice. The last a choice I made aware of every detail way before the time... And truth be told the second choice I wish to be. But in the three there lies a deeper, greater truth. A truth I'd known way back when since memory. That you got to see one, do one, teach one. Simple, isn't it?

A Wish...

When light banish dark it is this what I wish: That power be none the wiser than attitude, and that be a choice, such as blessings are free. That joy be rewarded by wisdom, a journey in knowledge through time. That love be the us that will open the door, to bask in the truth of a glorious day.