
Showing posts from May, 2008

I used to hate stupidity...

i have always found it interesting to ask people what they hate the most, thinking that it was a meaningful way to engage in an honest discussion without falling right in the door with a question like: "How do you visualize the devil?" i suppose meaning is a concept that I hold in high regard... if i was asked the same question i used to reply that i hate stupidity. used to that is, until i felt stupid this morning and realized that i felt stupid quite often. in fact, i feel stupid every time that i make a choice and try to stick to it when i know there is a better choice to be made right now. in the past i felt stupid and immediately started to doubt the choice... i simply argued that if the choice felt stupid, there must be something wrong with it? the result of this mental emotional trigger was an exhaustive intellectual dissection of the choice that resulted in my making the choice regardless of the feeling, or not making the choice at all and doing something totally diff...

Luke 14:26

Luke 14:26 26 ‘Whoever comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and even life itself, cannot be my disciple. A friend and me was just discussing the issue of the Bible, and in an effort to discover the original person that decided what will and will not be part of the book of love... I surf across this quote, grouped together with eleven others as illustration of the proclaimed fact that the Bible does not inspire or teach anything of value. The conclusion they reach is this: "So we are forced to ask a question: Why doesn't a book written by God leave you with a sense of wonder and amazement? If you are reading a book written by the all-powerful, all-knowing, all-loving creator of the universe, wouldn't you expect to be stunned by the brilliance, the clarity and the wisdom of the author? Would you not expect each new page to intoxicate you with its incredible prose and its spectacular insight?" Fact is... the...