In search of joy

Nirvana or heaven as some would call it is an interesting concept. Have you ever asked yourself to imagine such a place?

For many I do believe it is described as a place of absence. A place where there is no more pain and suffering. Where there are no bosses or beggars, no credit or taxes, and certainly no worries and fears.

In the minds of other the concept may be expressed by abundance. Where there is lots of money and love, children by the dozen or peace, and even wisdom and happiness.

In medicine there is a principle called, assuming the sick role, and it is a valuable skill to be able to identify with your patient. Without this skill a physician may easily advise his patient complaining of a runny nose to blow it! In essence it allows us to place a value on something that is not our own. Unfortunately the value of the skill is limited by our own values and prejudice, but it is none the less important to assess the disease in children. Of what importance is a runny nose to a child who does not understand the messy bubbles that may be the direct nasal result of that nose? But be that as it may...

For the purpose of this discussion I want you to try your mind at this role-playing thing, and imagine nirvana. And then, after you have carefully stripped your current reality of everything that is making you unhappy, or that frustrates angers or scares you, and added everything that you consider necessary to achieve such a state of being. Imagine what it will be like to live such a life.

Now imagine the value of what you have gained should you never have had all the things that you lost. With the exception of wisdom and happiness I bet the life you have imagined loses much of what you thought. All of a sudden you may find nirvana has lost some of it’s appeal, and even may have lost to heaven forbid, with angels singing joy and fluffy clouds… Look! Can you see that amazing sheep… Even wisdom loses value if we find a place of total bliss.

And thus it seems there is but one remaining quality we're left, the one called joy. Some may call it bliss, and some may say… Take your pick. Happiness… Look even the word smiles if you think of it!

And thus my dearest friends I ask of you to tell me why, and why it even makes sense that in our lonely lives whe spend so many times looking for reasons not to be happy. If happy is a given choice, then why am I not able to take it each and every moment of my life.

May you have the fortune to see the joy in every moment, and the wisdom to take it.


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