
I have been searching ever since I was but a wee child...

First I think, it was for the pure thrill to be found in the satisfaction of discovery that slowly changed into a fascination with how-things-work. This does not exclude people and their strange rituals and costumes, and it is probably at this part of my journey that I started my life-long romance with those I would come to call my fellow travelers.

From how-things-work I started to question my role in this whole charade, and even attempted to play along one or twice, but this got me into immediate trouble, as it seemed that "they" wanted me to accept "their" rules and views prior to becoming one of "them". While it seemed easy for some to pay lip service to whichever alliance seemed profitable, every time I tried I got the door slammed in my face!

Thus I entered a decade of deliberation on what I had to do to be accepted, and one of the few places that I found myself comfortable and snug was in the arms of religion. The religious fold was accepting and friendly and give or take a sect, or those considered to be heathens, it was a pretty cozy environment... Limited of course to Sunday Sermons and Sunday School and the close-knit gang of believers, but cozy none-the-less. It was my only saving grace, for since I could not "fit" anywhere else I somehow allowed my self-image to sink to grovel. Wherever I went I could find at least one sole willing to accept me, not for who I am, but for what I believed. And then came that fateful day that I lost my faith...

...and started my search for the divine...


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