Chapter 2

And right on cue I do believe I just got one step closer...

For those who still remember the first occurrence of the fashion accessory called bell bottoms, there used to be a song called "Three steps to heaven" that gave a simple recipe for instant nirvana. Puppy love. It is smootchy and schmaltzy and brain freeze sweet...

Not unlike my mood this night, as I had to be on the receiving end of a foul mood from my lover who seemed to have carried some frustrations from work over to my apparent failure at proper house-keeping. Be that as it may, I tend to get a little stressed out in the onslaught of such blind anger and deal with it by remaining calm and happy... To a point.

But as it may this eve I did not reach that point, and after the anger retired to bed I reflected on a well known saying that "Perfection is not an end point...". Suddenly I thought of the relationship between my lover and me. I felt all warm and fuzzy and without ponder or reason felt thankful to my lover for the special way he made my life perfect.

After some thought on why I did not tell him that, foul mood or not, I decided that I really wanted to share that special feeling with the person that I love so much, and promptly told him so.

And, sooner said than done or I started to doubt my impulsive and stupidly romantic declaration. What if the object of my affection thought that I was sarcastic. What if he thought that I was insensitive to their abominable day... What if, what if, what if.

Through all the deliberations and blame I had completely lost the warm and fuzzy meaning that gave feeling to my simple words of love. And just then I heard the crooning of Three Steps To Heaven to remind me that when we live a life of bliss, things are often actually very simple. It also reminded me that the language of love is never complicated at all.

Smootchy, schmaltzy and brain-freeze sweet... All in all divine...


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