Please hear our plea!

It is disheartening to find that the rising tide against oppression that began with the women in Iran is subject to a ill informed narrative about religious dress codes. In the grand scheme of things the freedom to live without prejudice and fear is sacrosanct. Subject to the proprietary cultural and religious appropriation of the events that conscire is a travesty of the oppression they defy, and a gross injustice to the rolling mass action afoot. Beyond the premise of religious decree and regardless of the purview of bias, the revolt is irrefutable proof of a paternal hegemony under threat, of a immutable belief in preserving the status quo, and a subjugated agency that prefer a narrative vested in platitudes, rejects the present we share intent, and defies the self evident revelation of the incumbent global solidarity. Freedom of opression is a right that supercedes all of the rights we pledge to uphold and protect. Misappropriating the events as a cultural, religious or...