Binaural Beats
Thanks to modern day technology we are able to experience the deep meditative mental states of Zen Buddhist monks, the ecstatic trance states of tribal practices, or induce 'out-of-body' experiences and lucid dream states whenever we feel like, without the mental rigor and physical discipline that they normally demand. And thanks to the many talented composers that publish and distribute their artistry online we're able to enhance our concentration, improve mental acuity, reduce anxiety, lower stress and get a good night's rest as easy as choosing the appropriate soundtrack. Anyone with a digital music player and earphones can literally choose to entrain any mental faculty or state or mood, entrain the manifest ability of any specific chakra, enhance any flow-state and decide how they would like to feel. Of the three types of brainwave entrainment, binaural beats is an auditory processing artifact when we deliver bespoke atonal stimuli. The slight frequency difference ...