Begging your padon

For all intent and purpose the world we live in is on the brink of destruction driven by a insatiable craving to fill our sense of self worth and quench our thirst for reason beyond the present we share intent in sense and mutual relevance. At the mercy of such a woefully divided and blissfully contentious conviction we are in desperate need of a better wherewithal, and a long overdue change of the habitually constrained perspective we unwittingly presume in belief. But imagine if you would a point of view shared by mutual presence, that manifest intent to mutual relevance shared regardless of vested interest, preconceived precedent or anticipated outcome. Imagine if reason was a feeling we shared with the rest of creation in the flow of our conviction, regardless. Consider the revelation to be had if living life well was a collective sense shared in cocreative confluence and pleasure a measure of the resonance we manifest in mutual relevance in stead of the reward we al...