A journey shared in present sense and mutual relevance
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There is reason to believe your point of view eschew the present sense and mood defy the resonance of mutual relevance we share in Nature's cocreative confluence.
Perspective isn't something we think about often, but its easy if you consider things from a shared point of view. Like the way art lovers stand around in front of gallery paintings with a squint eye and thumb in the air.
Everything is connected and all is vibration. As above so below. Nature manifest change in dual entangled, equal epposite expression. This is hardly a novel idea or ideology despite the beat efforts of Religion to obfuscate the principle and eradicate the knowledge we inherited from our ancestors. and the proof is evident in their symbolic depiction of it that has survived the demise of the culture that synor is it the mystical, magical, or divine as Western scholars or the devout and devoted are want to believe. From a present aware of the nature of entrainment, mutual relevance and the entanglement of subatomic particles, the abovementioned 3000yo universal Vedic principles are entirely plausable. Everything is connected is an accurate if controversial description of the dual entangled and equal mirror opposite nature of quantum particles that Einstein decried as "spooky action at a distance". Since then entanglement has given rise to a entirely new branch of ph...
If intention is the seed that fertilises our collective conciousness to give birth to existence, then the quote below is quantum proof of pretty much everything. It defines our universal role as observers on a mission to explore the myriad of possibilities we have, and manifest those that are the most appealing. In quantum mechanics, wave function collapse (also called collapse of the state vector or reduction of the wave packet) is the process by which a wave function, initially in a superposition of different eigenstates, appears to reduce to a single one of the states after interaction with an observer. In simplified terms, it is the condensation of physical possibilities into a single occurrence, as seen by an observer. It is one of two processes by which quantum systems evolve in time according to the laws of quantum mechanics as presented by John von Neumann.[1] And thus we find that quantum mechanics provide the perfect proof to support the notion ...