Endearing the nature of serendipity

Contrary to what you believe, the practice of delayed reward is a fallacy, and payment for services rendered has no value other than blatant coercion. A self-serving purpose to foster the egalitarian principles of a society deluded by lies and lofty ideals. 

Contrary to popular belief reality is not a mere string of random
events, seeing is far from believing, and belief is a bias just as any
other fallacy that we uphold. By our deluded view that life is and end
to a means, and reason a consequence rather than a presence shared in
intent we unwittingly perpetuate the lunacy of our shared reality.

By mutual consent we empower the notion of delayed reward, of winning as a objective, and victory as an end to a means. We blind our self to present sense, deny the confluence of relevance, defy the confluence of serendipity, and fail to see how Nature rewards the flow of mutual resonance and presence shared intent.


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