Into Temptation

Some believe that love hurts, scorn and scars and leave your soul to bleed in the bloody aftermath, and yet most of us think love is all we need. Nobody knows why we loose our mind hooked on a feeling that none of us know anything about. And so it was for me. 

After being conceived in the spirit of free loving and born to a growing concern about morals and values that drowned out the happy care free living of the Hippy Revolution that was threatening the budding world economy and opposing the segregation, subjugation and subservience necessary to protect and preserve the rule of law and establish the regulatory requirements necessary to legislate the lifestyle we are living today. If the revolution did not falter before the conservative backlash my conception would have been celebrated as a gift of hope and promise to a generation free of the hapless burocracy, senseless violence and decrepit self interest that plague social convention and threaten the sanity and sanctity of the world we live in today. 

As things turned out the hippy revolt was quelled and the swinging 60s gave way to the sensible 70s, confident 80s, complacent 90s and the apocalypse we averted at the turn of the century. After once aborting I was born into this dreadful timeline desperately trying to figure out what the hell happened. Why did a generation of hope and promise fail to appease our interest, and why we as a society willfully choosed not to indulge the freedom of sharing our presence intent or revel in the celebration of creative expression we share regardless of our culture, creed or social cast. Why we decided on for rooting for the here and now rather than the milk and honey we evidently had before we nipped it in the butt. But I digress. 

Unlike most of my peers during puberty my experience of love was limited to a sideline observation following the realization that my feeling was forbidden, and my kind of loving a sin. Much like most of my newfound fellow varsity students after puberty I relished at the opportunity to forge new relations and share my experience without the shameful burden of my past. Much like many I fell in love and lost my mind in the desperate persuit of a convention that I believed to be the only way to achieve happiness and fulfillment. Alas it didn't last for he was beautiful and young, strong and lithe of limb and born into the same fate as I, forbidden to indulge his yearning desire. 

I couldn't help myself for pining at my yearning illicit and sinful desire until the day I heard the sentiment of 'Crowded House' on temptation. Had I discovered the haunting lament and breathtakingly beautiful lyrics of Into Temptation proir to my first broken heart it may well never have suffered the disappointment that convinced me that my idea of love was never meant to be.

Some people have all the luck, and then there are few that can boast of being lucky in love. People like a popular sex kitten and movie star Megan Fox, that can boast to being the object of every man's desire, yet never falling to one. Actually, she recently announced that she had two, and only two sexual partners her entire life. And as painful as that may be admitting two sexual partners is more than not nearly enough, it's a sin! And since I have never been able to figure out how to Love one person at a time I was doomed to eternal damnation according to the only religious creed I knew. What follows is the rambling ruminations about my findings ever since I decided I was damned anyway and started to look for this thing called love.

Since lust is the cardinal of sin arousal, the gateway to pleasure and the first circle of hell it was lust that had me looking around for a better alternative than the hellfire and brimstone I believed.

With my guilt to the brim and hell bent on finding salvation at any cost I first tried knocking at the door of the Roman Catholic Church. Desperately looking for salvation and deeply ashamed at my persistant arousal I found myself sobbing at the foot of the saviour feeling more sorry for him than myself. Determined to to redeem the both of us I hunkered down in my determination for absolution. It lasted right up to the day that salvation required confession which incur pennance and with my sinful nature I was guaranteed the burn in purgatory for longer than felt comfortable. Since the whole idea for my sordid sojourn was trying to avoid the flames of hell in the first place I left before I could aspire to become a choir boy. Looking back all I can say about that is:
Thank goodness for small mercies!"

Knowing me I would have been on my knees begging for mercy and more for the rest of my life. If all you can think about is sinful and even the glimpse of muscle bulging has your hardon rearing with interest being a altar boy was bound to have me knee deep in more sin than those of my father and his father's  father's combined.

From a 'Grand  Scheme of Things'  it is worth mention that unlike our idea of Love over the past two thousand years, our belief about sin has hardly budged an inch. As I am fortunate enough to have a knack for Biology and a interest in Science I am lucky enough to say that I was eventually able to debunk my sinful nature and redeem myself, but I still feel sorry for the guy on the cross. Thanks to modern day knowledge about our bodies and scientific proof that lust is nothing more than a cascade of hormonal, physiological, biological and physical reactions. In the case of woman this may lead to orgasm if the initial stimulus of arousal continues to be enjoyed in mutual pleasure, while in the case of men it leads to a single minded and uncontrollable urge for climax. Knowing that my arousing behavior was considered normal for my age and realizing that the pleasure I incessantly craved was no less than the secret to living well was one of the best discoveries I ever made, for it allowed me to masturbate without shame and shout the name of God in ecstasy without shame, and laid to rest a recurring nightmare I had of a hunky, horny, musclebound devil with a irresistable smile.

With mounting evidence that there's nothing wrong with sex, and considering the fact that we seem to be enjoying it much less than we should, isn't it time we look at pleasure, sex, and arousal from a different point of view. Ecstacy is something that we have been meticulously designed to achieve, and pleasure is a experience we share in the flow of co creative confluence regardless of its intimacy, irrespective what we believe is sinful or salacious, and lust a feeling to indulge in all of it's shameless and splendid abandon.

From a mutual presence shared intent sex is undoubtedtly the most pleasure to be had between two consenting, adult, and mutually aroused individuals and by scrapping lust from the cardinal list we would instantly lift a enormous burden of sin from our beleaguered guilty conscience, not to mention the time and money we would saved on therapy or pennance for our guilt and perversion. With or without sexual reform our view about love and and relation is bound to sway to present sense and mutual relevance and to that end the only thing I can offer is my own opinion and hearing yours!

If you liked my point of view and would like to read more why not try my articles on The power of ecstasy, Resisting temptation,or Understanding happiness.


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