God meets Yin

The recent hit song Human, by The Killers has had me wondering about love, and the different ways that we understand this powerful force that connect us all in the common bond of the spirit.

While I understand and accept the principle of different strokes for different folks, I am convinced that it stands to reason why this argument is moot if we look at it from a soul perspective.

From a soul perspective we all share an eternal unity that transcends this mortal coil of our existence, but it is almost as if the human condition is desperately clinging to its blip on the radar of soul patrol that it cannot comprehend that there is infinitely more to this than that.

And if this morbid fear of the end is not enough, accepting the fact that in the spirit there is only we, and that me does not matter anymore is reason aplenty to make even the boldest adventurer begin to doubt the folly of this journey in love.

With marriage being the only “acceptable” way of experiencing the divinity behind such a twining of soul, and almost two thousand years of commandments to discourage the experience of mutual pleasure, it could be easy to understand why people have such a difficulty with all matters divine.

Now that the reason for our search in to the unknown through science has justified it’s own existence by proving that the reality of spirit function according to set laws that operate much like the laws of physics everybody knows, all that remain for us to do, is to make the quantum leap into a world of understanding that is different from our own.

Does it require such a leap of faith to accept that the soul is as real as the reality that we imagine from memory, and that there is a world beyond that what we feel which defy the laws of the one we call real? Is it so hard to accept that the Yin and the Yang of a people we find hard to understand is as valid as our own view of God, or at least half as good?

I suppose your view of love will depend a lot on your perspective, but in a society where difference is what it takes to grow beyond our mortal toil, we must understand that to make this quantum jump we must surrender our self to the greater good. To understand the reason for this existence we need to know that our journey does not need any reason more than the fact that it is.

As The Killers so convincingly argue in their song: “Are we human or are we dancers?”, are we caught in the trap of our worldly experience, or are we celebrating the mere fact of our existence in love.

Dedicated to the one I love, all of them.


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