See one, do one, teach one…

The Zen Masters have a concept of Small mind and Big mind... where Small mind relate to those things we contemplate (and eventually execute) to enrich and advance ourselves, while Big mind relate to those things we do because it enriches and advances our environment and the people around us. It is only through Big Mind that we can experience the spiritual growth to free our bodies from suffering and ultimately find nirvana.

Magician comes from the Latin word magi meaning wise men or women. Magi can be healers, shamans, priests or priestesses, astrologers--anyone who has learned to access the cosmic web of energy and information that animates the universe and to direct it for his or her purposes.

It almost sounds like a Wikipedia entry, doesn’t it? If you read it, it may even sound like a pretty honest explanation to make people understand other people better. In this case, to initiate magi with muggles, from the muggles point of view. But as you will see it was written by a girl who is probably head over heals and starry eyed wonder in love with a witch, and NO, that does NOT mean that she is under the spell of a evil old hag! Why I know lots of beautiful witches, some of them totally free of enhancement, magical or otherwise, and most of them are good. But then, I know, that reflects my personality and not the reality… Never the less I think my point is made, and that she has had some introduction to magi without understanding it well.

Take for instance can be healers, shamans, priests or priestesses, astrologers and you will see that it implies existence, and I know it wasn’t meant that way, but I almost feel a bit hurt by being implied, without acknowledging them. Which is not really such a big issue to me personally, but I can imagine some magi that may be insulted if people do not acknowledge them, and we all know what happened when they ignored Moses! Personally I find the spotlight of attention too bright, but I know of others that demand it!

And then the mistake that really got me writing to direct it for his or her purposes… We all know that there are those that do, but they are not all there is of us? And then the sentence make it sound like we have all graduated from “The School of Arcane Power” in search of personal enrichment and mentions nothing of the fact that the cosmic web of energy flows regardless of our will, and nothing of the efforts some of us are making toward trying to make sure it flows as it would, without the meddling of instinct, guilt and dogma.

If you are on a journey of discovery it doesn’t help to try and give people a description of your destination? The journey of concluded exploration is probably the most well known journey of all! Then again it gave me the opportunity to put things straight, and I thank the opportunity.

Life is good

Blessed Journey Blessedbe


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