Spiritual journey

According to a leading periodical the report on matters such as these, 'the spiritual journey is riddled with the lure of false prophets and decepetive practices'. Trust me suppose, but I would like to disagree!

The only false prophets are the one's you've paid to tell you something you already knew, and the only deceptive practices are those you decided to be strenuous, ridiculous or just bad. For the student on a spiritual journey there is nothing to pay in the wisdom shared in love. Every journey and practice has it's own reward if you perform it in honesty and trust.

I suppose it safe to say that paying for enlightenment does not make sense at all. Just like promising someone that you will change their world, and doing so by changing their attitude does not make sense if you ask them money. And even though you changed reality it is plain to see that nothing changed at all and therefore people fall, thinking that they have to pay for changing attitude.

Warning those who ponder spiritual enlightenment is nothing less than creating fear in those who are ready to change. Telling those that every step they take will be closer to the truth, and letting them know that the spirit is something you live, not talk about could help. But then again I think I'd rather live my life the way I know I grow, until our journey's cross again.
Attachment includes the note and its objects


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