Justice fight back

Justice fights back!
After losing the battle for a number of years, the keepers of justice finally has something concrete to fight. Zuma has been freed!

I suppose their frustration is well deserved. It all started over a decade ago with the freedom of Mandela. I know he freed our country from a society that was perpetrating hideous atrocities against humanity, but people killed under the name of the organisation that he claimed leadership. The anc planned and executed a decade of terror and rolling mass action to take over power. Power that was used to deny access to free choice. Power that manipulated the organs of state to an end that was wrong.

So order was restored, but not justice. As with the keepers before them, the new owners of justice struggled to get a proper hold on the hilt. The anc tried to restore it through the reconciliation process, and although it remained in power for more than a decade, it has now broken free. With Zuma.

If you listen to the war cry of justice you will be amazed at some of the things you can hear, but overall the people who have suffered under the sword are crying out for it to stop! And as before there are those who would love to get their hands on the hilt, and the npa are clearly thinking that it should be theirs. But before we the public entrust it to yet another hand, we would do well to take a pause.

Just think about it. The symbol of justice is a woman that is blindfolded. This is not a mere coincidence, as she wields her power on our behalf. The hand that wield the sword she holds is an act of love and trust that come from the collective emotion of us, the society she has sworn to uphold. In her other hand she holds the bird of peace that she will use with the same trust as she does the sword, if that would be our choice.

For such is justice that she will do whatever we demand. It is a parody of sorts to know that the freedom of Zuma was nothing more than acceptable risk when the npa violated his constitutional right to a fair and just legal process. Or maybe they didnt think of it then when they held the seat of power. Perhaps they were so blinded by the power they had that they forgot about the bird of peace. The bird that carried the power of measure, and which could deliver the same freedom that was fought with hilt and blade.

In my own opinion I say it is time that we the voice of justice say no. No to the wounds of war, no to the struggle for the power of the sword, and no to the death and destuction we bring by taking it into our own hands. It is time that we, the will of justice play another hand. It is time to live the peace that is our right as much as all this endless fighting. As a society we have the choice to bring about the change we only glimpsed when Mandela was our man.

Just as the tools of power are ours to give to anyone we please, the hand of lady justice is always in our collective control. Perhaps it is time that we all stand together for peace, and put the sword back where it belongs.


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