The relation of arythmetics

One, the only way to start, for without one we have none. But before we get to one is where most get stuck, where most give in. To go from none to one is the hardest part of all.

And then we find there's more... That one is not the only one there is. Indeed there's two and three and four and five and man it's great to be alive!

But getting there was such a drag. The hardship, wounds and suffering we had to get a single one and now to find that one is nothing more than anyone?

There's two, and even though it's nothing more than one plus one we find that two is so much more! How glorious that two is one but multiplied!

How fabulous that two can do much more, and all it took was one. If we can make it stick how wondrous it will be to build a unity for all eternity?

And still there's one to add! Three is two plus one and looking back in history the truth is plain to see. That just one more could make the world of difference!

Quite simply put the sum of one plus two or three or four is more, and that is all there is. It's either one or more. And if there is but one then nothing stops it any more.

A lot like love I do believe.


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