
Showing posts from August, 2007

Riddles in Rhyme

Riddle me this, and riddle me that… Take for instance the days last week, now what the hell was that? And just in time I found the score, and oh what a glorious day it be. But truth be told it was a while a fore it dawned. I say a score but truth be lie in time for such is thus it could be more, but neigh much less of seasons come and go. For at the time I found myself beside a choice of sorts. A simple one you say, for whom beside the devil do you think would make a choice that all and us deplore... The choice you see; to choose a life that's good but dull, lets face it chum, or may perhaps transcend this toil of day to day with bliss that none have yet to comprehend, and call me Jack if I look back and say it isn't so; the one that sucks, with deep and dark allure it always will remain without dismay, for just as one choice call in vain, the other calls in deafening display your gain. But I digress... The choice be mine to make in score of seasons fore. An...


To twine is part of the design for this be thus in time till challenged by a mind that sows a seed sublime And thus we learn and grow in life on life until the next Reaping what we know and what we feel is best The choice be free to take and make a twine to last But know that in a wake a change could be that's vast And thus we learn and know in life to life, until the best of twines combine to grow Till at the last there is no next

A picture paints...

Photos of our long lost innocence may not be around for everyone, but I have been blessed with a shoe box on steroids containing all kinds of "lost" memories, as the pictures at the top display... They paint a story of an obedient and good mannered child playing on the beach. Focusing on the collage we find at fist he only plays by his own with his model cars in the sand, then he joins his brother and sister, carefully watched over by their uncle in constructing a sand castle. And in the last photo we see him laying on the sand, lost to the world around in dreaming of his castle and cars. You can even imagine how he even lies there and makes the sounds of the cars while he plays... The picture on the left we will use to explore the intricacies of perception and assumption. The boy with the car in is hand, standing in the wake of a wave is me. And I am standing there looking calm and posing for the photo, but on the inside of that calm facade I am furious! I do NOT do beaches!...


For thus it seems but these remain To choose the spirit or the flesh Though spirit oh how long my be the call of flesh pertain

Finding self...

Expectation is the prison of self-realisation As perception is the key that sets us free All we need is in the moment plain to see To be in honesty our link to revelation