
Once upon a time...

Our kind have told stories since the beginning of time, roughly 2 billion years ago. Imagine if you will a caveman playing charades and you'll have a good idea of the first stories our ancestors shared. The mental image of trying to explain the name of common objects without using language is how we started sharing names for things and ourselces. According to historians we developed language circa to forge social bonds and entrain transgenerational connections. By passing on the beliefs, knowledge, memories, values, and experiences of one generation to the next Stories can transmit dangers, trauma and oppression, and foster resilience across generations that affect the physical and mental health of communities and individuals over multiple generations.  A example of transgenerational trauma is the experience of Indigenous people who have suffered from colonization, genocide, and marginalization for centuries. The COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately affected Native communities,...

The power and peril of emotions

Emotions are unstable and short-lived in the natural order of things, and they often have little to do with the present moment we share with others. Many people think that emotions interfere with our ability to experience the present. The way we 'feel' about our situation is simpler and less confusing than we think. From an evolutionary perspective, emotions are meant to be felt in the moment instead of remembered or anticipated. It may sound harsh or insensitive, but research shows that emotions last only 90 seconds unless we consciously keep them alive. Most conventional ways of seeking pleasure are misguided and can lead to dopamine addiction. Our idea of happiness and living well is influenced by our past experiences and limited by our personal biases, moral beliefs and social norms and values. This means that your uncle who is always grumpy, or your aunt who holds a grudge for years, or your friend who suffers from chronic emotional distress, or the stranger who takes offe...

Who was Cleve Backster?

History tells us of many a (wo)man whose brave and bold vision was way ahead the rest of the scientific community. People who made astute observations that was perceived as a threat to the traditional establishment, deemed preposterous or heretical, deluded and deranged, whose research papers were condemned to the graveyard of disputed scientific opinion. One such a man was Cleve Backster. Backster was a former CIA lie-detector specialist who helped to develop the polygraph techniques that are still in general use today by the U.S. military and government agencies who recorded his observations after finding a unattended polygraph recording from the office plant he used to attach the allegator clips in between the recordings he performed while testing the validity of the polygraph. Whereas his findings were ridiculed as the wishful thinking of a wannabe scientist and ludicrous inventor he approached the curious recording the unattended polygraph had measured with the diligence and atten...

Please hear our plea!

It is disheartening to find that the rising tide against oppression that began with the women in Iran is subject to a ill informed narrative about religious dress codes. In the grand scheme of things the freedom to live without prejudice and fear is sacrosanct. Subject to the proprietary cultural and religious appropriation of the events that conscire is a travesty of the oppression they defy, and a gross injustice to the rolling mass action afoot. Beyond the premise of religious decree and regardless of the purview of bias, the revolt is irrefutable proof of a paternal hegemony under threat, of a immutable belief in preserving the status quo, and a subjugated agency that prefer a narrative vested in platitudes, rejects the present we share intent, and defies the self evident revelation of the incumbent global solidarity. Freedom of opression is a right that supercedes all of the rights we pledge to uphold and protect. Misappropriating the events as a cultural, religious or...

Sonic Geometry: The Language of Frequency and Form


Dual entanglement

Everything is connected and all is vibration. As above so below. Nature manifest change in dual entangled, equal epposite expression. This is hardly a novel idea or ideology despite the beat efforts of Religion to obfuscate the principle and eradicate the knowledge we inherited from our ancestors. and the proof is evident in their symbolic depiction of it that has survived the demise of the culture that   synor is it the mystical, magical, or divine as Western scholars or the devout and devoted are want to believe. From a present aware of the nature of entrainment, mutual relevance and the entanglement of subatomic particles, the abovementioned 3000yo universal Vedic principles are entirely plausable. Everything is connected is an accurate if controversial description of the dual entangled and equal  mirror opposite nature of quantum particles that Einstein decried as "spooky action at a distance". Since then entanglement has given rise to a entirely new branch of ph...

Binaural Beats

Thanks to modern day technology we are able to experience the deep meditative mental states of Zen Buddhist monks, the ecstatic trance states of tribal practices, or induce 'out-of-body' experiences and lucid dream states whenever we feel like, without the mental rigor and physical discipline that they normally demand. And thanks to the many talented composers that publish and distribute their artistry online we're able to enhance our concentration, improve mental acuity, reduce anxiety, lower stress and get a good night's rest as easy as choosing the appropriate soundtrack. Anyone with a digital music player and earphones can literally choose to entrain any mental faculty or state or mood, entrain the manifest ability of any specific chakra, enhance any flow-state and decide how they would like to feel.  Of the three types of brainwave entrainment, binaural beats is an auditory processing artifact when we deliver bespoke atonal stimuli. The slight frequency difference ...